Friday, December 9, 2011

OOTD 12/9/2011 - Holiday Plaid (Take 1)

Happy Friday!  No, they're not plaid but, they sure are cute!  And yummy too!  Ya'll know I love Krispy Kreme...when I saw these, I just had to have some.

I have an ever-growing collection of holiday plaid items and the time in which I can wear them is getting shorter and shorter.  That being said, I think you're going to be seeing lots of "plaid" outfits in the coming days. 

Today, I pulled out my plaid scarf that I picked up last year at Forever 21 for a song. ($5, I believe)  It's very reminiscent of this fall's J Crew Cashmere Plaid Scarf.  Today, is also the inaugural wearing of my black Biellas that I purchased a couple of weeks ago at the Lynchburg Clearance Center. (See "Deal of The Century")  Once again, if you can snag a pair of these (Biella) loafers, POUNCE on them!  They are divine in every way!  I know, I know, sorry, I sound like a broken record. 

J Crew Tissue Long Sleeve Tissue Tee in White - Size S
Mossimo for Target Ultra-Soft V-Neck Sweater in Gray (Fall 2011) - Size S
Forever 21 Plaid Scarf
Gap Straight Fit Jeans
J Crew Lucille Mohair Coat (Fall 2008)
J Crew Biella Patent Loafers in Black (Fall 2011)


  1. Oh, I'm dying for Krispy Kream!! Unfortunately not very accessible here ( Canada). I remember I used to drive through and the fresh hot donut just melt in my mouth!! Back to your OOTD, love your scarf. I LOVE plaids.

  2. Oh, you poor thing, no Krispy Kreme!! Now that's grounds to move! :o) And yes, they will literally melt in your mouth. In our area, one of the university's sponsor "The Krispy Kreme Challenge" It's a charity race benefiting the children's hospital. You run 2.5 miles, eat a dozen KK doughnuts and run 2.5 miles back in under an hour. I want to enter with a team and volunteer to be the doughnut eater! :oD

  3. Love the coat! Is it pink, or red?

  4. Ooh, the lucille coat - have always loved it and kind of kicked myself for not having got it.
    I love plaid myself - I've even got my eye on a big red plaid coat from Ebay, but I am wondering is that'll be OVER-plaid!

  5.'s an orangey-red. Very much like today's vibrant flame, cerise and the host of other names J Crew for the same color. :o)

    Lisa...Let's just have ourselves a "plaid-fest"! I bet the big red plaid coat would be cute...I pondered over a plaid peacoat at American Eagle last year but never got it. Sometimes now, I could kick myself.
